Prof. Madeleine Bastide (1935- 2007), Profesor Emerit, Profesor de imunologie si Parazitologie, Facultatea de Farmacie din Montpellier. A fost Presedinte Fondator al Grupului International de Cercetare asupra Infinitezimalului GIRI şi unul din cei mai prestigioşi cercetători din domeniul Homeopatic.
Dr Bastide a contribuit semnificativ la perfecţionarea si validarea dispozitivelor de protecţie CMO:
-De-a lungul carierei sale ştiinţifice a publicat 91 de articole peer-rewiev şi a ţinut numeroase conferinţe.
Studii de validare a dispozitivelor de protecţie CMO realizate de Dr Bastide:
– Bastide M., Youbicier-Simo BJ, Boudard F,
Bioeffects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to ELF displayed by desk computers: protective effect of Tecno AO antenna. Third International Congress of the European Bio Electromagnetics Association. Nancy, France: 29 Février-3 Mars 1996.
– Bastide M. ; Youbicier-Simo B.J., Lebecq J.C. , 1998, Damage of chicken embryos by
EMFs from mobile phones: protection by a compensation antenna (TecnoAO). Abstract Book of 20th BEMS Ann. Meeting, St.-Petersburg, Florida
– Youbicier-Simo B; Lebecq J.C, Giaimis J and Bastide M, 2000, Interference from GSM cellular phones with the production of stress hormones in Lewis Lung carcinoma-bearing mice: effectiveness of a protective device, Proceedings of International Conference on Cell Tower Siting, Land Salzburg, Austria.
– Hyland, G.J; M. Bastide & all 1999, Electromagnetic biocompatibility in the workplace: Protection principles, assessment and tests.
Results of an EMF protective compensation technology in humans and in animals.
In Nichtionisierene Strahlung: mit ihr Leben in Arbeit und Umwelt, IRPA, pp. 213–240.
– Youbicier-Simo B.J; Boudard,F., Cabaner C. and Bastide M., 1997, Biological effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to ELF emitted byvideo display units. Bioelectromagnetics 18, pp. 514–523.