Prof. Dr. Benoît-Jules Youbicier-Simo, Doctor in Neuroştiinţe, Laboratorul de Imunologie si Parazitologie, Facultatea de Farmacie, Universitatea Montpellier, Director de Cercetare Biologica la Centrul de Cercetare Tecnolab.
Expertiza: Neuroendocrinologie, imunologie.
Publicaţii ştiinţifice internaţionale peer-reviewed: 7
Publicaţii ştiinţifice internaţionale peer-reviewed în bioelectromagnetism: 3
Participare la redactarea unei lucrări stintifice : 1
Congres international cu comitet de lectura : 15
Studii de validare a dispozitivelor de protecţie CMO:
– B.J. Youbicier-Simo et coll.”Biological effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to electromagnetic fields emitted by video displays units„, Bioelectromagnetics 1997, Vol 18, N. 7 : 514-523.
– Bastide, B.J. Youbicier-Simo et al., „Etude toxicologique des rayonnemments électromagnétiques émis par les écrans de
visualisation (TV, ordinateurs) et de téléphones cellulaires chez le poulet et la souris”, Journées
scientifi- ques: „Impacts sur l’homme des rayonnements ionisants et non-ionisants”, Brest, France,
23-24 juin 2000, Actes du Colloque, p.181-194.
– B.J. Youbicier-Simo et coll., Review of studies validating the protective efficacy of a new technology designed to compensate potential adverse bioeffects caused by VDU and GSM cell phone radiation, Radioprotecçao, The Journal of the Portuguese Society for Radiation Protection (IRPA) 2001, Vol.1, No.8, ane 9:105-123