Prof. Anthony G. Canavan †
B.A, M.Phil.,M.A., D.Phil., AFBPsS, C.Psychol.
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Institute for Health Services Research(IHSR)
University of Luton, United Kingdom.
Professor and Director of Research of Neurogical Therapy Centre Institute
of the University of Düsseldorf, Germany.
Specialist in neuropsihologie clinica:
Domeniile de cercetare : Metodologia Cercetarii, Statistica, Neuropsihologie, Psihologie clinica.
Publicatii internationale peer-reviewed : 69 (1983 – 1997)
Studii de validare a dispozitivelor de protecţie CMO:
« Mood Test: Evaluation of the psychological condition” 1999.
M. Hayes,K Molloy, under the supervision of Prof.T. Canavan
University of Luton , UK
Publication: RADIOPROTECÇAO, 2001