Maurice Fillion-Robin, inventatorul dispozitivelor de protecție CMO.
Biofizician, Specializat în influenta mediului asupra stresului în mediul profesional, a intreprins la Universitatea de Medicină din Paris intre 1983-1991 studii de cercetare despre interacțiunile undelor electromagnetice asupra organismelor vii.
In anul 1991 a înfiinţat propriul Centrul de Cercetare TECNOLAB (71100 Chalon-sur-Saône, France), al cărui Director General a fost pana in 2001.
Studii de validare a dispozitivelor de protecţie CMO:
– Fillion-Robin M., Marande J.L., Limoni C., «Protective effect of CMO (Tecno AO) antenna against VDU electromagnetic fields as a stress factor », EBEA, 1996 ;
– V.N. Binhi, M. Fillion-Robin and G. Picard, « Physical constraints specifying possible primary mechanism whereby CMO(Tecno AO) and superweak EMFs affect biological systems » ; BEMS, 1998
– M. Fillion-Robin, A. Akimov, V.N. Binhi, « Tecno AO technology:
Biological effects of EM and torsion fields ». PIERS, 1999.
– B.J. Youbicier-Simo, R. Messagier, M. Fillion-Robin, « Review of studies validating the protective efficacy of a new technology designed to compensate potential adverse bioeffects caused by VDU and GSM cell phone radiation ». Radioprotecçao, The Journal of the Portuguese Society for Radiation Protection (IRPA) Vol.1 N.8 and 9 : p 105-123, 2001.
– V.N. Binhi, M. Fillion-Robin, « Biological effects of hyperweak electromagnetic fields:
Present safety standards conflict with reality » In publication
– V.N. Binhi, M. Fillion-Robin1 and E.V. Stepanov2, « Effect of CMO (Tecno AO) protection on concentration of exhaled nitric oxide in humans ».
-Hyland, G.J., M. Bastide, J.B. Youbicier-Simo, L.Bonhomme-Faivre, R. Coghill, M. Miyata, J. Catier, A.G.M. Canavan, M. Fillion-Robin, J. Marande, D.J. Clements-Croome.1999, Electromagnetic biocompatibility in the workplace:
Protection principles, assessment and tests. Results of an EMF protective compensation technology in humans and in animals. IRPA, pp. 213–240.