Abraziune corneeană
Leziuni corneene. Capacitatea de acomodare a ochiului.
Studiul a fost realizat de Prof. Mikio Miyata , profesor de medicina si oftalmologie la Universitatea de Medecina din Kitasato, Japon si Cercetator la Environmental Medical Center, Kitasato Institute Hospital, Japon. Studiul a analizat efectele campurilor electromagnetice asupra corneei si asupra capacitatii de acomodare a ochiului pentru utilizatorii monitoarelor PC/TV. Patologiile detectate au fost corelate precis cu emisia electromagnetica (EM) a acestor aparate si doar într-o măsura redusa cu luminozitatea si constrastul ecranului. Ca atare, sticla de protectia folosita la unele monitoare nu protejează faţă de emisiile EM, ci doar aduce un oarecare confort vizual.

Studiul acesta a pus in evidenta apariția de micro-ulcerații ale corneei dupa 4 ore de joc video fără intreruere pe un ecran de televizor (subiectul la 1,20 m distanta).
Prezenta Oscilatoarelor Magnetice de compensatie (CMO) a permis ameliorarea cu 50% a microulceratiilor corneei.
Extras din studiul oficial:
Abstractul acestui studiu:
„We have reported that magnetic wave from cat hode ray tube (CRT) aggravates experimentally induced allergic conjunctivitis.
Our next concern is the actual damage of the cells besides the above functional change. Our previous study showed that the cornea of CRT workers frequently revealed superficial erosive change. This change was found even after continuous working of VDT for four hours. In order to elucidate its mechanism, animal experiments were conducted. BALB/C mice were exposed in front of CRT (30 cm) of television. Effect of heat, light, charged particles, and noise was excluded by other experiment.
Epithelial injury of the cornea was confirmed by fluorescein positive staining 24 hrs after CRT exposure. Epithelial injury was located mainly at the most superficial layer of the corneal epithelium. The corneal epithelial defect was further examined with a scanning electron microscope. The impaired area increased in a dose-dependent manner with exposure to CRT. Defect increased in two hours of CRT exposure and attained its maximum by twelve hours exposure. The corneal epithelium has good repairing ability. Therefore, the defect may not leave permanent damage on the corneal epithelium in young animals. But organic derangement may be possible to be produced on the diseased cornea such as senile degenerated cornea and so forth.”
„A Effect of Electromagnetic Wave on Corneal Epithelium; Clinical and Experimental Study”
Mikio Miyata, MD; Hirohiko Higuchi, MD; and Satoshi Ishikawa, MD;
Kitasato University School of Medicine, Kanagawa, Japan.
Tags: Abraziune corneeana, Ecran